What Makes a Bad Guest Experience

In the hospitality industry, bad guest experiences are a worst case scenario. Your entire business depends on guests enjoying their stay so, when they have a bad experience, you want to do everything you can to fix it and prevent it from happening again in the future. A good way to prevent potential bad experiences is to be familiar with some of the common complaints guests have. Today in the Southeast International Hotel Brokers blog, we’ll talk about some common guest issues.
Ways a Guest Can Have a Bad Experience
There are plenty of common bad guest experiences you want to avoid. Here are a few:
Bad Customer Service
If you’re in the hospitality industry, good hospitality is expected. When your guest service is less than expected, it’s understandable that a customer will get frustrated. Whether it’s a mistake with the front desk, room service, or anything else, it’s important to make sure your guests have the best experience possible. You can prevent experiences like this by making sure your staff is well trained and they have the tools they need to do their job.
Problems with the Room
If a customer’s room isn’t clean or not what they expected, they probably won’t be too happy. This is a common guest complaint, but one that can be easily avoided by making sure your housekeeping staff is on top of things. Make sure guests get the rooms they’re expecting and that all of their expected amenities and requests are ready for them.
Not Seeking Resolution
Mistakes happen, it’s inevitable. Most guests can be understanding of mistakes, as long as you make an effort to fix them. A guest will have a much better experience if you apologize for whatever went wrong and resolve the issue amicably. In fact, many guests will appreciate your hotel more if you go the extra mile to right any wrong that has happened to them during their stay. If you can’t reach an amicable solution, offer the guest something to make their next stay better.
Choose Southeast International Hotel Brokers
If you’re in the market for a hotel, or if you’re looking to sell your hotel, Southeast International Hotel Brokers is here to help. Our expert team of hospitality brokers can make the buying and selling process much easier and simpler for you. Contact us today for more information and to speak with a member of our team.