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Our Hospitality Brokers Explain Local Listings for Hotels

 Hospitality Brokers Advice: Local Listings

Local Listings on Google

Is your hotel set up correctly on local listings? If you don’t know the answer to that question, it’s time to look into it and make sure. Local listings are important and can greatly impact your business. Today in the Southeast International Hotel Brokers blog, our hospitality brokers explain what local listings are and why they’re important for your hotel.

What Are Local Listings?

Back in the era before the internet, if you wanted to find a business you would check the phone book. You could find their name, address, and phone number. Local listings are basically the phonebook of the Internet. Your local listings will include websites such as Google, Yelp, Tripadvisor, Facebook, and many others.

On each of these websites, you should have your name, address, phone number, photos of the business, and any other relevant contact information. Now we know what local listings are, but why are they so important in the first place? Our hospitality brokers can explain in more detail.

Why Is It Important for My Hotel?

Local listings are extremely important for your hotel. Without them, you’re not showing up online. Not only is it important to have your local listings available, it’s important for them to be extremely accurate.

Google’s job is to make the user experience as easy and as intuitive as possible. If users are finding different contact information for your hotel across listing platforms, they’re sure to get frustrated. If users are getting frustrated, you can bet that Google will penalize your listings through their search algorithm. What does this mean for you?

Well, worst case scenario, it means you’ll stop showing up in search results. This means that people won’t be seeing your hotel online, which means a big drop in new customers. To prevent this from happening, go through your local listings and make sure everything is accurate. There are also easy-to-use local listing tools out there to help you get all of your information consistent.

Our hospitality brokers recommend utilizing one of these tools if you can’t seem to get your listings right. Just like Google, you want the experience for your potential guests to be as easy as possible. Our hospitality brokers encourage you to make sure you get all of your local listings consistent and accurate, so it’s easy for customers to find and contact you.

Contact Our Hospitality Brokers Today

If you’re looking to buy or sell your hotel, the hospitality brokers at Southeast International can help. We have an expert team, a vast network, and incredible customer service. The buying and selling process can be difficult, but our hospitality brokers make it easy. For more information about our services and to speak with our hospitality broker team, contact us today.