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Guest Experience: After Their Stay

Guests leaving review

The guest experience is ever-evolving, and many hotels are engaging guests before, during, and even after their hotel experience. Engaging guests after they leave can be tricky though, because you don’t want to annoy them. Today in the Southeast International…

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Creating a Marketing Persona for Your Hotel

Marketing Persona

Marketing for hotels can be tough. That’s why understanding as many techniques as possible and utilizing the best ones can make a big difference in your marketing efforts. One popular marketing tactic is creating a marketing persona. But what’s a…

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Ideas for Your Hotel Blog


Marketing is vital for hotels, especially digital marketing. One crucial aspect of digital marketing is SEO (Search Engine Optimization). There are plenty of ways to improve your SEO, including the addition of a blog on your hotel website. Good SEO…

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Making a User-Friendly Hotel Website


One thing you certainly don’t want to overlook when running a hotel is the hotel’s website. Your website is not only a tool to increase brand awareness, but it’s also a tool to book reservations and bring in more customers.…

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Video Marketing for Hotels

Shooting a video

One of the best ways to get people to pay attention to your marketing is with video content. This marketing strategy is sure to get people’s attention when it is done right. But what do we mean by video marketing…

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Building Backlinks for Your Hotel

Reaching out with email

Digital marketing is a vital part of hotel marketing. Backlinking is one digital marketing strategy that can help improve search rankings and get your name in front of the right people. But what are backlinks and how do you get…

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What are Metasearch Engines?

Browsing hotels online

If you are in the hotel industry, you may be familiar with metasearch engines. They are pretty much an unavoidable part of the hotel industry, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways in which you can take advantage of them.…

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Importance of Branding for Independent Hotels

Branding concept

Depending on where you start your independent hotel business, chances are the market is already fairly saturated. This shouldn’t deter you though. Boutique hotels can thrive if they find a niche and create a standout brand. In this Southeast International…

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Using Messaging for Guest Engagement

Direct messaging app

New technologies are continually emerging in the hotel industry. Staying on top of these trends is vital if you want to stay relevant, but that’s why you also need to weed out the trends that don’t have lasting potential. In…

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