Advantages of Selling Your Hotel With a Hotel Broker

Why you should consider hiring a hotel broker to sell your hotel.
When you make the decision to sell your hotel you should consider whether you want to sell it yourself or hire a broker to help. There are many advantages to hiring a hotel broker to help you sell your hotel and you should consider the following factors before making your final decision.
Why Hire a Hotel Broker?
Experience Analyzing Hotel Listings
There are a number of factors that must be taken into consideration when assessing the market value of a hotel or motel property. An experienced hotel broker will understand what drives the value of your property. To adequately assess a property’s overall market value before adding it to a host of hotel listings, a broker will take note of the following things:
– How many rooms the hotel/motel has
– Any rooms that are out of order
– Property improvements
– Interior and exterior quality
– Amenities
Additionally, a broker will take into account the revenue per room earned, occupancy and net operating income, among other important financial details.
Determining an Appropriate Listing Price
One of the major benefits of hiring a hotel broker is that an exceptional broker will be able to determine an appropriate listing price for your property. This means the broker will work to get the highest possible price for your property while also making sure the price point will generate interest and activity among buyers. A realistic and competitive price is very important within the realm of hotel sales, and an experienced broker will make sure you get the highest possible return for your property.
Familiarity of Market Trends
These professionals undoubtedly know the ins and outs of the hospitality market, and they make it a point to stay up to date on the various industry changes. This fact alone is extremely beneficial, and you can trust a broker like Southeast International to advise you accordingly throughout the selling process.
Being able to effectively negotiate is a huge asset when navigating the sale or purchase of a hotel property for sale. Hotel brokers are excellent negotiators. A broker can provide a much needed insider’s perspective that is both objective and knowledgeable, while also developing a strategy to advance the sale of your hotel. This also saves you (the seller) quality time that may have otherwise been spent trying to negotiate with potential buyers.
Marketing Hotels With Confidentiality in Mind
A great hotel broker will get your hotel information into the hands of qualified buyers while keeping privacy and employee relations in mind. Southeast International, for example, advertises extensively, but our ad writing guidelines ensure that certain information will not be released until a buyer has been confirmed as a qualified match for your property.
Access to Thousands of Buyers
When you hire a hotel broker to help you sell your hotel, you’re automatically tapping into a huge database of active buyers – a much welcomed benefit! A broker will be able to target qualified buyers while taking into account any specific requirements from both the seller and the buyer.
Ultimately, the decision is up to you as to whether or not you want to sell your hotel on your own or hire a hotel broker to assist you. Contact Southeast International today to learn more about our hotel brokerage services and to find out how we can help you sell your hotel or motel property.